Image: Elixir - Your Hospice PBM Solution

Recover Password

  1. To reset your password, enter your username and click the 'Get Code' button.
    • If you already have a code, click 'I already have a code'.
  2. You will then receive an email to the address we have on file which will contain a Password Reset Code.
    • If you don't know your username or if your email address has changed, please contact your Elixir Account Manager at 855-661-5122.
  3. Once you receive the code, return to this page and enter your Username, Password Reset Code and a New Password and click the 'Reset Password' button.
    • Note: The code is only valid for 30 minutes.
  4. Upon successful reset, you can proceed to the Login page to gain access to the Elixir Patient Management Portal.


Password Reset Code:

New Password:

Password Complexity Rules. Passwords must be between 8 -12 characters and must not contain a space. Password must contain all 4 of the following: (1) Any number(0 - 9), (2) Any upper case letter(A - Z), (3) Any lower case letter(a - z), (4) Any non-alphanumeric character, ex: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - +.